Get involved

From investing to volunteering, there are plenty of ways how you can help SE24 and support your local community


  • Anyone who invests in one of SE24’s share offers becomes a member of SE24
  • Investors earn interest on their investment and the capital is repaid over the period of the investment
  • Investing in SE24 boosts our community fund which alleviates fuel poverty
  • Our most recent share offer was fully funded and is now closed but new opportunities will emerge in the future

If you want to get your name on our e mail lists to be informed about future share offers e-mail jim.belben@se24


  • SE24 has 9 partners – schools, churches and a hospice that provide the roof space for our solar installations or who join in one of our LED projects
  • Partners benefit from cheaper and greener electricity and from energy efficiency
  • If you have a large south facing roof and/or use a lot of electricity for lighting, get in touch. You could be our next partner.

To find out more contact Paul Hallas on


  • Almost everyone working in SE24 is a volunteer. We don’t get paid. We are involved in SE24 because we believe in its objectives.
  • Some of our volunteers join us for work experience as they head for a career in community energy.
  • SE24 needs more volunteers such as legal and financial experts.
  • In particular we are looking for project managers to help us manage our pipeline of forthcoming projects.

If you have experience that you think could help us, please e mail our Volunteer Manager, Dave Rinaldi at


  • SE24 is part of the community energy revolution.
  • Community energy groups all over the country are playing their part in helping their local communities towards Net Zero target.
  • SE24 is a part of Community Energy England and Community Energy London and with other CE groups campaigns for greener energy policies.
  • SE24 is working with local schools and climate change activists to increase awareness of what individuals can do to tackle climate change.

If you have a vision for local change or national action to Net Zero E-mail Harriet Lamb on